
June 2017 Great press coverage in Chile and South America to our milestone on pressure estimation from Flow MRI in LUN newspaper
Full list of press appearances here

We will focus on the study of ultrasound elastography, a medical diagnostic technique for the detection of tumors. We will improve the modeling of viscoelastic and porous tissues, such as lung tissues. In cardiovascular medicine we will work on the indirect estimation of pressure gradients in partially blocked arteries through numerical simulation of blood flow and three-dimensional velocity data.

We have already obtained improvements in pressure recovery techniques and the acquisition of velocities by phase contrast and dual measurements. Currently, this technique is being evaluated clinically and we hope to extend it to the case of the displacement coding for use in elastography.

Axel Osses email
Beauchef 851, Torre Norte, Piso 7, Santiago – Chile
Centro de Modelamiento Matemático
Universidad de Chile